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Installing the Proteus CLI


CLI should work in any Unix-like like Linux or MacOSX, but it is known to work better in Linux, but it has been specially tested in Debian based distributions like Ubuntu or Red Hat based distributions like Fedora or CentOS.

It also requires Python 3.8.

Also, for optimal upload/downloads it is recommended to have AzCopy available in your path, specially if you plan on using Azure Blob Storage Accounts as data sources.

Installing python3.8

In the case python3.8 is not available in the in your OS's distribution repositories, you have many options:

$> conda create -n py38 python=3.8
$> conda env use py38
# pip for python 3.8 should be now available
$ py38> pip install proteus-cli

Installing the CLI

The proteus CLI requires python 3.8. It can be installed simply in a python 3.8 environment as follows:

$> pip install proteus-cli

If everything went well, the command proteus-do should be available. When run without arguments, the output should be similar to the following one:

$> proteus-do 
Usage: proteus-do [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Simple CLI for PROTEUS auxiliary utils

--help Show this message and exit.

buckets Commands to manage buckets
datasets Commands to manage datasets
debugger Commands to manage debugger
jobs Commands to list jobs or job status
login Will perfom a login to test current credentials
simulations Commands to manage simulations